
Books, Blogs, Podcasts and more

My purpose is to help you and your team to think about the future in a more helpful way. And we can do that through a number of different methods. From books, podcast interviews, coaching to keynote presentations, workshops and webinars, there are many ways to embrace this new mindset.

Let me know what works for you.

There is a range of books available from futures thinking, to speaking, writing and business failure and success.

Charlotte Kemp Books
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The blog articles cover futures and coaching topics, as well as insights and experiences from the speaking world.

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I love the energy of podcast interviews and discovering how podcast hosts’ own goals intersect with my topics. It generates an experience of live alchemy.

Charlotte Kemp futurist podcast interviews
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There are occasional public webinars on coaching topics as well as paid workshops.

Charlotte Kemp calendar of events
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